Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

A Chemical Peel is a rapid renewal procedure that lifts dead cells off the surface of the skin and stimulates reproduction in the living cells beneath.

The peel penetrates into the layers of the skin and targets cells that can treat a number of skin concerns including sun damage and aging, acne scarring, pigmentation, uneven skin tone and texture, redness, rosacea, fine lines, and wrinkles to reveal fresher, clearer, more youthful-looking skin.

The result is visible, substantial improvement in the appearance of superficial lines and uneven pigmentation. Chemical peels aren’t a one size fits all procedure. Your skin will need to undergo assessment to recommend the right peel for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do Chemical Peels Hurt?

When first applied to the skin, you may experience a slight tingling sensation as the peel works during treatment.

Do Chemical Peels Get rid of Pigmentation?

A lot of uneven pigmentation marks caused by sun damage can be greatly improved by chemical peel treatments.

Will I Be Able To Go In The Sun After Chemical Peel?

It is always recommended you wear a sun protection afterwards, of at least SPF 50. The skin is more susceptible to damage for 4 weeks after a peel, so it is not advisable to have a peel and then go in the sun. If you are going on holiday to a hot city, we recommend that the peel is done after your holiday and not before. If it needs to be before, then we recommend you allow adequate time before the holiday and make sure you are fully protected from the sun

Are There Any Side Effects?

Common side effects of chemical peels include flaking, peeling, redness, tenderness or stinging in the treatment area. This should subside as the skin begins to heal.

How Much Downtime will I need?

The amount of downtime depends on the strength of the peel. We recommend embracing longer periods of downtime in favour of more effective, long-lasting treatments. During the consultation we will be able to able to fully advise on how much downtime to expect. It is usually between 3-7 days.

How Soon Before I see results?

This will depend on the type of peel used during treatment, and results may take between one week and 3 months to become fully evident, depending on the length of downtime. Patients may need repeat or top-up treatment every six months.

Can All Skin Types Get Chemical Peels?

in the case of some of the more superficial peels, most skins will benefit unless they are very sensitive, inflamed. However, in the case of deeper peels, our aesthetic practitioner will categorise your skin on the Fitzpatrick Scale, which is a professional gauge of the level of brown melanin pigment in the skin.

Do I Need To Prepare My Skin Before Getting A Chemical Peel?

Your skin type and the chemical peel selected by our aesthetic practitioner will determine what preparation you need to do before your chemical peel. For light peels, no preparation is needed.

But for more corrective peels, your skin will need preparation for a period according to the individual skin type:

  • skin type one to three – 2 to 3 weeks
  • skin type four – 4 weeks
  • skin type five – 5 weeks
  • skin type six – 6 weeks.
Laser & Beauty Aesthetics by Shiela
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday 10 am to 4 pm